Ultra AI is your all-in-one AI command center designed to supercharge your AI-powered products. By offering a unified interface to multiple AI providers, advanced caching mechanisms, and comprehensive analytics, Ultra AI empowers developers to build more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective AI applications.


  • AI Gateway: Access various AI providers through a single, unified API
  • Caching: Improve response times and reduce costs with intelligent caching
  • Prompts Manager: Store, version control, and manage your AI prompts efficiently
  • User Rate Limiting: Control API usage on a per-user basis
  • Model Fallbacks: Ensure reliability with automatic fallback to alternative models
  • Logs & Analytics: Track usage, costs, and performance metrics in real-time

Ultra AI is designed to be compatible with the Open AI API, making it easy to integrate into your existing projects. You can use the OpenAI SDK in various languages to interact with Ultra AI.